just keep that blame the victim mentality rolling
Frazzled UBM
JoinedPosts by Frazzled UBM
July 6 WT Study- Lesson they want you to learn
by bruh2012 in- if you have a problem with someone in the congregation -it's your fault.
- only brothers have the immorality problem.
- brothers have 4 main vices on his mental shelf.
Are You A Patriotic Person Since Leaving The Witnesses?
by minimus ini'm into politics but i still don't consider myself patriotic..
Frazzled UBM
It is sometimes difficult to draw a line between Patriotism (Nationalism) and Jingoism. It is a form of super-tribalim - identification with one group to the exclusion of others. That may be harmless but when it translates into a sense of superiority or specialness - then it can become irrational or lacking in objectivity or an impediment to self-criticsm or inflexibility in thinking. Then it has negative overtones. A particular view of US nationalism resulted in the invasion of Iraq. This was a mistake which has back-fired badly. For most non-Americans (except Tony Blair and John Howard) it was apparent at the time that this was a bad idea. I remember having an argument with a couple of Americans immediately prior to the invasion about why it was a bad idea it was very simlar to trying to explain TTATT to a Witness who deosn't want to hear it. Full on cognitive dissonance - they couldn't rebut my arguments but became quite belligerent at my suggestion that the US administration had misread the situation and jumping to action far too quickly.
Raising Children in more than one language
by SonoftheTrinity ini recently told my wife that i am speaking only in the jamaican dialect from now on in my house because she has failed to teach her children her native language because she has put religion first, manners and discipline second, their education third, and her native language somewhere at the bottom.
while i am not jamaican, nor have i been to jamaica i lived in a jamaican rastafarian community as a rastafarian.
i am now orthodox christian as are many rastafarians and i still consider myself culturally rastafarian but no longer identify with their heresies.
Frazzled UBM
My son spent the first 3 years of his life speaking Tagalog but now speaks English exclusively and has forgotten his Tagalog and now at 8 resists my wife and my attempts to get him to speak Tagalog. In my case my wife, who is a Witness, is fully on board with my son speaking her native language. She is a member of a Tagalog congregation (when she goes, which thankfully at the moment is very seldom). I hope he iwllk become more willing to relearn Tagalog when he is older because I agree with you that speaking more than one language is very helpful educationally and it will also help him to communicate better with his cousins in the Philippines when we visit.
Changes in DF reporting
by fader77 into all bodies of elders.
re: notification of disfellowshipping or disassociation.
dear brothers:.
Frazzled UBM
It is just so bureaucratic - where do these guys get off claiming to be spiritual - they are just a bunch of petty bureaucrats...
A few bad apples hey?
by sparrowdown ina witness couple just called on me.
they know i have'nt been to the hall for a few months but have no idea that i am "off reservation" in more ways than one.. they called by to tell me they that due to the "unloving spirit" in our.
congregation they will be going to another hall from now on.. the husband has been having ongoing "issues" with the cobe for some time ( iow,he hates his guts).. they feel that if they move to another cong where the people are nicer everything will be ok. (yeah, right).
Frazzled UBM
Bide your time and check back in with them in 6 months after the love bombing has ended and they have started to get the same treatment at the new congregation and then ask the question about whether they still think the problem is only at the old congregation...
This will be a GREAT organization!
by Kensho inwhen...... 1) we follow christ example not the gb.
2) stop df'ing those for challenging current or past doctrine and allow us to use our god given gift of reason and free wil.
sure kick out the scumbags even the lions club have rules for membership, but not those who just use their brains and consience.. 3) get rid of the nonsensical blood teaching that has cost the lives of thousands and beg god for forgiveness.
Frazzled UBM
YES Billy with first preference going to victims of sex abuse and retirement age r&F with no retirement income
This will be a GREAT organization!
by Kensho inwhen...... 1) we follow christ example not the gb.
2) stop df'ing those for challenging current or past doctrine and allow us to use our god given gift of reason and free wil.
sure kick out the scumbags even the lions club have rules for membership, but not those who just use their brains and consience.. 3) get rid of the nonsensical blood teaching that has cost the lives of thousands and beg god for forgiveness.
Frazzled UBM
Kensho - you forgot to add:
Stop requiring unquestioning obedience and group think
Stop using guilt, shame and fear of a jealous petty cruel supreme being to manipulate and control
Stop indoctrinating children
Stop the conditional love based on the extent of your unquestioning obedience and group think
Stop making the r&f feel bad for not doing enough
Stop selectively quoting from the Bible to suit particular purposes and otherwise engaging in misleading and deceptive conduct
...and the list goes on...
and what would happen if you did all those things... the organisation would not exist and you have to start thinking for yourself
stop grasping at straws and thinking if only the orgnaistion would reform it would be okay...it is rotten to its very core as others have pointed out and if you eraqdicate the rottenness there is nothing left...
...the idea of loving one's neighbour and being honest and upright is not unique to the Witnesses - it is basic decency and thoughtfulness and shouldn't exist only because you think you have a mean vengeful supreme being looking over your shoulder all the time...
How Accurate Is JWN In Your Opinion?
by minimus inwould you say this board gives accurate information, overall?
if someone started reading the comments here, do you think they would find this discussion board as accurate?.
Frazzled UBM
'Accurate' seems an odd choice of words given most of what is on here is opinion or personal experience. As for information presented as fact - it would be very difficult to assess its accuracy.
Local Kingdom Hall Speakers To Be Replaced By Governing Body Video Feeds.
by donuthole inso we've seen as the current gb is getting more facetime in an effort to reach the hearts and minds of the rank and file.
this took a leap with video feeds at an open annual meeting.
the international conventions are taking this a step farther.. do you think that local speakers at kingdom halls could ever be replaced by headquarter approved video feeds?.
Frazzled UBM
That would be so 1984 Big Brotherish - but they may just be going back to their roots - I understand that in Rutherford's day before the sales force were properly trained, door to door preaching involved playing gramaphone recordings of Rutherford's rambings.
Higher Education and Disqualification for Privileges in the Congregation
by 00DAD inwhen i was still serving as an elder in the late summer of 2006 in a congregation of jws in socal we received a letter from the "christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses" (read: the governing body) directing that anyone pursuing a higher education would be disqualified from privileges of service: elder, servant, pioneer, etc.
i remember this quite distinctly because i had just received by ba in education in june a few months before this.
in 2002, i had decided to pursue a degree under the society's then current "it's a personal decision" policy and was quite shocked at their drastic policy change.
Frazzled UBM
Splash - they say it is about greed but it is really about not wanting Witnesses to have crirtical thinking skills, which is why the university educated cannot remain as elders for fear of puluting others with critical thinking.
Welcome lurking4change and good on you for standing up for your daughter's right to a university education. I get the sense this has helped you to start questioning other WBTS doctrine - good work and keep it up.